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(719) 425-7671

What's Happening!

What We Do

Sound Bath

A peaceful moment in chaotic times.
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Intuitive Coaching

Helping you find the answers within
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Discover wellness
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Drum circles, Drum circle facilitation, Rhythm circles

Drum Circle Facilitation

Life is about Rhythm

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Guided Meditation

"What the mind dwells upon the body acts upon."
(Denis Waitly)
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Sound Healing

The Healing Power of Sound
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Soul Speak - The Language Of Your Body Certificate
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Reiki Level 1 CertificateClick to view
Reiki Level 2 Certification 
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Certificate of Completion Basic Facilitators 3 Day Training
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  • "Susan read my cards, and they revealed the exact struggle I was experiencing. Shortly after the reading, I was given signs about a marketing class, which was something she had said I needed. I now have a business and have observed many shifts and manifestations since the reading.""
  • "I worked with Susan for several weeks. I wanted to do more than I had time or energy for. Susan help me focus on what I really wanted,so that I made a decision that allowed me to do the things I wanted without overwhelming me. She helped me have clarity and knowledge, plus wisdom, and gumption to follow through with the self-care that I needed."


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