Using Meditation to Clear Blockages in the Chakras

There are seven basic Chakras in our bodies. Each has a location, a function, an influence, and color. They are the seven centers of energy in the human body. Chakras appear as spinning wheels of light, when healthy, they spin in a clockwise direction drawing in the energy around us. Our bodies also create blockages to the energy system in response to trauma in order to shield ourselves from the physical, emotional, psychological, or spiritual pain. These blockages may continue on even when they are not needed. Since the chakras are linked, these disturbances affect your body’s energy flow. What affects one chakra, also has an effect on the others. using meditation, you can clear the blockages of your own energy flow.

The chakras symbolize the different stages we are to go through to attain the ultimate nirvana. We start at the base center and work up. The ultimate is the crown center, which is almost impossible to attain.

In meditation we focus on the base center, bring a bright light up through each chakra to the crown center and back, taking deep breaths through your nose and letting go through our mouth slowly while only focusing on the light and the chakras. 

If there is a blockage you will feel it. This is why you need to understand chakra meditation before you start.  It's a wonderful way to cleanse your body of blockages. If one of your chakras is blocked you will feel a strange sensation, or different feelings, just relax and either stop or continue on by focusing on just that chakra to find out what the problem is.

Any blockage can be worked out and healed. This is why people feel out of balance. One or more of their chakras are usually blocked. When you do the meditation you need to be in a peaceful and quiet place.Sit with your feet on the ground and the palms of your hands facing up. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths before you start so you can relax. Then visualize a bright light and begin your chakra meditation.

If you’re not ready to do this on your own, book a session with me for a sound healing, chakra balancing meditation. A pendulum can identify blockages and other problems in the flow of energy through the chakras. I’ll provide a guided meditation to help you focus, while I play the crystal bowls and activate tuning forks to affect the chakras.

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